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Remote Learning PlanRemote Learning Plan

East Aurora School District 131 Remote Learning Plan:

The document below is designed to provide clarification and direction, and to ensure continuity and consistency with remote learning implementation. The enhanced plan below provides guidance regarding remote plan expectations, content delivery for all students, grade level instruction minute allocation, SEL supports, and parent communication.

East Aurora School District 131- Remote Learning Plan PDF

SEL Support Guidance

Guidelines for Students:

  • Engage in Choice Boards and/or remote learning packets for SEL
  • If you are feeling depression, sadness, anxiety, or extreme anger, please reach out to your counselor or social worker.
  • If you are feeling like you want to harm yourself or someone else, call the National Suicide
    Hotline at 800.273.8255

Guidelines for Families:

  • Take advantage of the resources outlined below and on our website: Student Services
  • If your student is in crisis, please reach out for help.

Guidelines for Staff (Related Services):

  • Follow schedule as outlined below.
  • Log communication with students and parents/guardians in the PLP.

*Teachers: Please reach out to counselors, social workers, special education coordinators, or school psychologists if you have specific concerns about a student.

Guidance for Supporting Students in Crisis during Remote Learning

In response to the guidance put forth by the Illinois State Board of Education regarding Remote
Learning, the following plan has been completed to meet the needs of all students that require Social Emotional Learning/Mental Health needs.

Action steps if you suspect a student may be suicidal/self-injurious/homicidal:

  1. If a student you are working with appears to be having a suicidal crisis, use active listening:
    a. to establish a trusting relationship with the student
    b. to decrease the intensity of the student’s emotions
    c. to ask about the student’s current state and plan or means to carry it out
  2. Inform parents/families:
    If you are in direct contact with the student in crisis, maintain video/voice contact with student while this contact is made, if possible. For example, you might ask the student to bring the phone/laptop to the parent/guardian if the parent/guardian is in the same place as the student.
    a. Convey the information you have.
    b. If risk may be high and parents cannot be reached or are not with the student, contact
    local police to do a wellness check.
  3. Document information received (time/date/contact information), decisions made, and actions
    taken per the school district directives.
  4. Notify your appropriate building administration about the situation.
  5. Building administration must notify Student Services administration and/or immediate Cabinet Supervisor (district-level administrator)
  6. Follow up.
    a. Refer family to community resources.
    b. Follow up with the student and family.
  7. If relevant, follow up with the friend(s) or other individual who referred the suicidal student to ensure the student continues to have support.

**Adapted from American School Counselor Association

Related Services Staff Schedule

Monday Make Phone Calls
*High Risk Students & Caseload
Students A-I
Conduct IEP Meetings
Tuesday Support Teachers’ Needs and Teacher
Conduct IEP Meetings
Wednesday Make Phone Calls
*High Risk Students & Caseload
Students J-R
Conduct IEP Meetings
Thursday Make Phone Calls
*High Risk Students & Caseload
Students S-Z
Conduct IEP Meetings
Friday Engage in PD Conduct IEP Meetings

Helpful Links

SEL and Mental Health Resources for COVID-19 from the Social Emotional Learning Alliance

Coronavirus Updates and Resources from the Illinois State Board of Education

CASEL CARES initiative – connects the SEL community with experts

RETHINK COVID-19 Coronavirus Support for youth, teachers and families

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Tips for Stress and Coping

UNICEF: How teenagers can protect their mental health during coronavirus (COVID-19)

American School Counselor Association: Planning for Virtual/Distance School Counseling during an Emergency Shutdown

A Big Lift: Keeping Students Safe, Sound and Secure

Additional Resources

Local Resources

Presence Mercy Adolescent Behavioral Health 630.801.2657 (intake)
630.859.2222 (main)
1325 N. Highland Ave, Aurora
Still taking walk-in for a free mental health assessment daily, 8 AM to 7:30 PM, but all walkins will be screened for any COVID-19-like symptoms. PHP, Inpatient & Outpatient are still operating per normal with attention to any symptoms.
Linden Oaks at Edwards Hospital Adolescent Behavioral Health 630.305.5027 (main/crisis line)
852 S. West St., Naperville
Only doing level of care assessments over the phone unless unusual circumstance. Very selective admission at this point. Only 2 people allowed in for screening (adolescent and one parent). Main campus is still open for inpatient. Outpatient only accepting on case-by-case basis.
Suicide Prevention Services 630.482.9696 (main/crisis line)
528 S. Batavia Ave., Batavia
Walk-in and counseling services are NOT open at this time but one can call the crisis line where trained staff will problem solve, provide emotional support, teach coping and provide further resources.
Family Counseling Services 630.844.2662
70 S. River St., Aurora
FCS is NOT offering in person services at this time. Their current hours are M-Th from 8 AM to 6 PM. They will work through crises over the phone or via Tele-health (Skype) with callers.
Aurora Police Department 630.256.5000 Non-emergency. Call 911 for emergencies.
National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI) South Kane 630.896.6264
Call for resources, online support groups, COVID-19 help, and Tele-therapy. Online chat features also open 24/7.
Kane County Connects – Human Services Hotline Dial 211 Hotline can connect callers to local resources such as food pantries, medical services, counseling, employment support, legal assistance, clothing, utility services, counseling, transportation, childcare services.

National Resources

National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1.800.273.TALK (8255) Call if you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis. Open 24/7.
The Warm Line 1.866.359.7953 Call for mental health or substance abuse support. This is not a “crisis line” but a source of support for you or a family member. Open M–F, 8 AM to 5 PM.
CARES Line 1.800.345.9049 Call to talk to a mental health professional if you or your child is a risk to themselves or others or for more referral services. Open 24/7.
CALL4CALM Text the word “TALK” or “HABLAR” (for Spanish speakers) to 552-020 Also text other terms, like “unemployment” or “food” or “shelter” to the same number to receive information on how to access supports and services. Illinois Department of Human Services support line is reachable via text. Individuals can speak with a mental health professional. can. Within 24 hours, that individual will receive a call from a mental health professional employed by a local community health center. Calls are FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Aurora Police Department 630.256.5000 Non-emergency. Call 911 for emergencies.
National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI) South Kane 630.896.6264
Call for resources, online support groups, COVID-19 help, and Tele-therapy. Online chat features also open 24/7.
Kane County Connects – Human Services Hotline Dial 211 Hotline can connect callers to local resources such as food pantries, medical services, counseling, employment support, legal assistance, clothing, utility services, counseling, transportation, childcare services.

East Aurora School District 131 Remote Learning Plan:

The document below is designed to provide clarification and direction, and to ensure continuity and consistency with remote learning implementation. The enhanced plan below provides guidance regarding remote plan expectations, content delivery for all students, grade level instruction minute allocation, SEL supports, and parent communication.

East Aurora School District 131- Remote Learning Plan PDF

SEL Support Guidance

Guidelines for Students:

  • Engage in Choice Boards and/or remote learning packets for SEL
  • If you are feeling depression, sadness, anxiety, or extreme anger, please reach out to your counselor or social worker.
  • If you are feeling like you want to harm yourself or someone else, call the National Suicide
    Hotline at 800.273.8255

Guidelines for Families:

  • Take advantage of the resources outlined below and on our website: Student Services
  • If your student is in crisis, please reach out for help.

Guidelines for Staff (Related Services):

  • Follow schedule as outlined below.
  • Log communication with students and parents/guardians in the PLP.

*Teachers: Please reach out to counselors, social workers, special education coordinators, or school psychologists if you have specific concerns about a student.

Guidance for Supporting Students in Crisis during Remote Learning

In response to the guidance put forth by the Illinois State Board of Education regarding Remote
Learning, the following plan has been completed to meet the needs of all students that require Social Emotional Learning/Mental Health needs.

Action steps if you suspect a student may be suicidal/self-injurious/homicidal:

  1. If a student you are working with appears to be having a suicidal crisis, use active listening:
    a. to establish a trusting relationship with the student
    b. to decrease the intensity of the student’s emotions
    c. to ask about the student’s current state and plan or means to carry it out
  2. Inform parents/families:
    If you are in direct contact with the student in crisis, maintain video/voice contact with student while this contact is made, if possible. For example, you might ask the student to bring the phone/laptop to the parent/guardian if the parent/guardian is in the same place as the student.
    a. Convey the information you have.
    b. If risk may be high and parents cannot be reached or are not with the student, contact
    local police to do a wellness check.
  3. Document information received (time/date/contact information), decisions made, and actions
    taken per the school district directives.
  4. Notify your appropriate building administration about the situation.
  5. Building administration must notify Student Services administration and/or immediate Cabinet Supervisor (district-level administrator)
  6. Follow up.
    a. Refer family to community resources.
    b. Follow up with the student and family.
  7. If relevant, follow up with the friend(s) or other individual who referred the suicidal student to ensure the student continues to have support.

**Adapted from American School Counselor Association

Related Services Staff Schedule

Monday Make Phone Calls
*High Risk Students & Caseload
Students A-I
Conduct IEP Meetings
Tuesday Support Teachers’ Needs and Teacher
Conduct IEP Meetings
Wednesday Make Phone Calls
*High Risk Students & Caseload
Students J-R
Conduct IEP Meetings
Thursday Make Phone Calls
*High Risk Students & Caseload
Students S-Z
Conduct IEP Meetings
Friday Engage in PD Conduct IEP Meetings

Helpful Links

SEL and Mental Health Resources for COVID-19 from the Social Emotional Learning Alliance

Coronavirus Updates and Resources from the Illinois State Board of Education

CASEL CARES initiative – connects the SEL community with experts

RETHINK COVID-19 Coronavirus Support for youth, teachers and families

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Tips for Stress and Coping

UNICEF: How teenagers can protect their mental health during coronavirus (COVID-19)

American School Counselor Association: Planning for Virtual/Distance School Counseling during an Emergency Shutdown

A Big Lift: Keeping Students Safe, Sound and Secure

Additional Resources

Local Resources

Presence Mercy Adolescent Behavioral Health 630.801.2657 (intake)
630.859.2222 (main)
1325 N. Highland Ave, Aurora
Still taking walk-in for a free mental health assessment daily, 8 AM to 7:30 PM, but all walkins will be screened for any COVID-19-like symptoms. PHP, Inpatient & Outpatient are still operating per normal with attention to any symptoms.
Linden Oaks at Edwards Hospital Adolescent Behavioral Health 630.305.5027 (main/crisis line)
852 S. West St., Naperville
Only doing level of care assessments over the phone unless unusual circumstance. Very selective admission at this point. Only 2 people allowed in for screening (adolescent and one parent). Main campus is still open for inpatient. Outpatient only accepting on case-by-case basis.
Suicide Prevention Services 630.482.9696 (main/crisis line)
528 S. Batavia Ave., Batavia
Walk-in and counseling services are NOT open at this time but one can call the crisis line where trained staff will problem solve, provide emotional support, teach coping and provide further resources.
Family Counseling Services 630.844.2662
70 S. River St., Aurora
FCS is NOT offering in person services at this time. Their current hours are M-Th from 8 AM to 6 PM. They will work through crises over the phone or via Tele-health (Skype) with callers.
Aurora Police Department 630.256.5000 Non-emergency. Call 911 for emergencies.
National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI) South Kane 630.896.6264
Call for resources, online support groups, COVID-19 help, and Tele-therapy. Online chat features also open 24/7.
Kane County Connects – Human Services Hotline Dial 211 Hotline can connect callers to local resources such as food pantries, medical services, counseling, employment support, legal assistance, clothing, utility services, counseling, transportation, childcare services.

National Resources

National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1.800.273.TALK (8255) Call if you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis. Open 24/7.
The Warm Line 1.866.359.7953 Call for mental health or substance abuse support. This is not a “crisis line” but a source of support for you or a family member. Open M–F, 8 AM to 5 PM.
CARES Line 1.800.345.9049 Call to talk to a mental health professional if you or your child is a risk to themselves or others or for more referral services. Open 24/7.
CALL4CALM Text the word “TALK” or “HABLAR” (for Spanish speakers) to 552-020 Also text other terms, like “unemployment” or “food” or “shelter” to the same number to receive information on how to access supports and services. Illinois Department of Human Services support line is reachable via text. Individuals can speak with a mental health professional. can. Within 24 hours, that individual will receive a call from a mental health professional employed by a local community health center. Calls are FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Aurora Police Department 630.256.5000 Non-emergency. Call 911 for emergencies.
National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI) South Kane 630.896.6264
Call for resources, online support groups, COVID-19 help, and Tele-therapy. Online chat features also open 24/7.
Kane County Connects – Human Services Hotline Dial 211 Hotline can connect callers to local resources such as food pantries, medical services, counseling, employment support, legal assistance, clothing, utility services, counseling, transportation, childcare services.